Vipassana Livres

Be Happy!


A life story of Meditation Teacher S.N.Goenka

Born in a religious Hindu business family, Mr. S. N. Goenka’s mind was ingrained with high spiritual ideals from an early age. On the other hand his achievement of worldly success at a very young age made him very egoistic. A mental conflict resulted, leading to great stress and tension within him. It also led to him learning Vipassana meditation, which changed the course of his life.

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Born in a religious Hindu business family, Mr. S. N. Goenka’s mind was ingrained with high spiritual ideals from an early age. On the other hand his achievement of worldly success at a very young age made him very egoistic. A mental conflict resulted, leading to great stress and tension within him. It also led to him learning Vipassana meditation, which changed the course of his life.

This book provides glimpses of Mr. S. N. Goenka’s multi-faceted personality and his inspirational journey from a successful businessman to becoming the Principal Teacher of Vipassana meditation. Presented with beautiful pictures, this book also captures details about Mr. S. N. Goenka’s childhood portraying his various family members who left a deep imprint on him.

Informations complémentaires

Poids 272 g
Dimensions 11 mm
Author Picture

S.N. Goenka

Bien que d'origine indienne, S. N. Goenka est né et a grandi en Birmanie. C'est là qu'il entre en contact avec son maître Sayagyi U Ba Khin, et apprend de lui la technique de Vipassana. Après avoir étudié avec son professeur pendant quatorze ans